Aloinopsis Schooneesii in a pot with a diameter of 8.5 cm. lithops (companies of living stones) hide a real treasure under the ground, with extremely charming thick and intertwining roots. Therefore, the collection of Gyvűki stones also needs a specimen hunted by caudex lovers.
"Perhaps more than 4 years ago, Gypsy had so many of them that he generously gave them to everyone who cared and shared them so much out of spite that he didn't have any for himself. Since then, their deficit has kept him from sleeping at night. So this time he is not so happy to be able to offer for you, but for yourself that you finally have these roots again!"
Their care does not differ at all from the classic cacti and succulents. Lots of light, good drainage. Remember - less water is better. it is extremely difficult to dry it, but it is very easy to soak it. If you are not sure whether you need to water it is always better to choose NO. Grab and enjoy this little one. Worthy of Greek and every collection.
PS roots grow faster underground, so don't expose them for a while